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GPT Products

Isolation Gaskets / Kits

GPT flange isolation(insulation) products are constructed of premium engineering materials. The isolation products include a wide selection of isolating/sealing gaskets along with a variety of sleeves and washers. For maximum flexibility, components may be ordered separately or as part of complete flange isolation kits (FIK).

Smart Tec

GPT Industries is proud to introduce an all-in-one asset monitoring system! IsoSmartโ„ข is configured with 3 True RMS (TRMS) circuits to automatically test the effectiveness of your assets CP, Isolation, or the amount of current in your bond.

Monolithic Isolation Joints

GPT engineers and manufactures a range of high quality sealing and isolating products used to ensure the safe flow of fluids in transmission, distribution and process piping systems. Flange isolation products include a wide selection of isolation joints and spools that are available in all pipe sizes, types, pressure ratings, and materials.

Knowledge Hub

GPT is committed to providing pipeline solutions with unmatched safety, performance and reliability in some of the worldโ€™s most demanding environments. Our teams of industry-focused engineers use advanced materials and manufacturing processes to develop innovative sealing and isolating systems uniquely tailored to the specific industry and application.
Click on the topics below to access our experts knowledge hub and how it applies in your field of expertise.

Why Use Isolation Kits and Joints?

Corrosion is constantly attempting to degrade the performance of metal pipelines. The corrosion can be from dissimilar metals (galvanic corrosion), stray current corrosion from unintended sources of electricity, simple corrosion […]


Emissions, or specifically fugitive emissions are the result of poorly sealed oil and gas pipelines and infrastructure. With increased scrutiny from governments, regulators and environmental groups there has never been a more important time to tackle this pressing challenge.

Pipeline Corrosion Prevention

Corrosion is the primary factor affecting the longevity and reliability of pipelines that transport crucial energy sources throughout the globe. The average annual corrosion-related cost is estimated at $7 billion to monitor, replace, and maintain these assets. The corrosion-related cost of operation and maintenance makes up 80% of this cost. Learn how to prevent, mitigate and reduce corrosion cost.

Knowledge Hub

White Papers

Unravelling the Complexities of AC & DC Currents in Pipeline Integrity

Ensuring the long-term integrity of metallic pipelines is more critical than ever as electrical utilities expand and modernize. This article explores the challenges posed by AC and DC currents, including […]

The Souring of Pipelines

Ian Kinnear, Product Manager, GPT Industries, addresses the impacts of hydrogen sulphide, particularly on corrosion and electrical bridging, and provides solutions to these challenges. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) has become an […]

Sealing the future of Hydrogen Pipelines

With every new development, there will always be unknowns and challenges that come along with making the development a reality. When exploring sealing and protecting hydrogen pipelines, GPT Industries has […]

Improving Pipeline Emissions: The Role of Flange Isolation Kits

The balance between oil production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a difficult one to strike; fortunately new technologies can help reduce pipeline emissions in a way that helps oil […]

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It is at your fingertips! Our product download tool gives you access to the entire library of GPT resources. Data sheets, Literature, Certificates, Reports, Installation guides and much more...

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A Different Kind Of Animal, World Pipeline Magazine

Tim Hurley, GPT Industries, USA, explains the differences between a standard gasket and an isolation kit, and the importance of properly installing them. As one of the world’s largest manufacturers […]

A New Option to Traditional Plastic Isolation Gaskets

No one can argue that pipelines have changed tremendously in the last 75 years.  Pipeline metallurgy has become stronger and less prone to corrosion.  New exotic metallurgies have been introduced […]

ABS Certificate of Product Design of Assessment
An Accurate Isolation, World Pipeline Magazine, Tim Hurley

Have you ever installed an isolating kit in a pipeline, successfully tested for electrical isolation, but later failed isolation following a hydrotest? .... Tim Hurley, GPT Industries, USA, explains the […]

API 6FB Fire Test Report - 2 inch Class 2500 Evolution Isolation Gasket
API 6FB Fire Test Report - 2" Class 1500 VCFS Gasket³

EPC Page

GPT stands behind its sealing and corrosion prevention solutions with an expert team of applications engineers and laboratory professionals to provide comprehensive global support for your sealing and cathodic protection needs.

From field training to on-site inspection and laboratory conformity analysis, we have the resources and personnel to ensure you stay safe, on schedule and within budget.

Torque Calculator

The GPT Torque Calculator allows you to generate specific torque values and basic gasket dimensions for your exact application. Use the product selection tab to fill in which product you are using, and flange details to highlight the flange specifics. Torque will then be based on the bolt grade, coefficient of friction, and bolt stress. Please note that GPT utilizes an assumed coefficient of friction of 0.11 for uncoated bolts utilizing Pikolube, and a bolt yield of 30% for standard gaskets, and 50% bolt yield for fire safe gaskets

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