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Unlike Xylan® coated isolation washers, the new Diamond-Hyde™ 316L SS coated Washers are much more abrasion resistant and stronger dielectrically than the older generation isolation washers. Long life and superior electrical performance are dependent upon an impermeable, electrically resistant coating. Diamond-Hyde™ coated 316L SS Washers provide both with the addition of a very chemically resistant barrier. The isolating washer can be the weakest link in a flange isolating kit. By using Diamond-Hyde™ coated 316L SS Washers, the washer is virtually impervious to cracking, chipping or scratching. The Diamond-Hyde™ coated 316L SS Washer has passed API 6FB fire testing*.
*Please contact GPT product engineering for further information
Physical properties are typical properties of the base materials of the coating
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